Arrival to the West




The Tibetan Terrier is a breed of more than 2.000 years of antiquity, original of the high mountains of the Tibet.
They grew up in the monasteries and nomads, receiving a respectful treatment. They were good sentries, and it was believed that they brought good luck.
Frequently they were given as gift or to thank for served. Soon they extended like company dogs, being known as " little people ". The Tibetan Terrier accustomed to the nomadic life, its robustness allowed them to support the low temperatures and the difficulties of this type of life: becoming ideals dogs for the pasturing and the familiar life.


Arrival to the West

The Tibetan Terrier was introduced officially in the West in the 20 when a Tibetan noble gift here doctor, Miss Agnes Greig two Tibetan Terrier.
In 1930 the Kennel Club of India recognized the Tibetan Terrier, a year later in 1931 by the Kennel Club of England.



The Tibetan Terrier is intelligent, spontaneous, frank, cheer, very attached to its master and faithful to the maximum. He is distant with strangers, but neither aggressive, nor timid. Without being noisy, it drives away possible intruders with barks. It is not necessary to let itself deceive by his aspect of Teddy bear. He has a strong character and if it is not used occasionally " hand of iron with velvet glove " becomes owner of the situation.
The Tibetan Terrier that lives single with its masters tends to copy the behaviours of theme. He rests when they rest, dynamic at the time of playing, calm in the restaurant. The Tibetan Terrier easily gets used to living in a flat, although the ideal is a garden where it can be relieved. But it does not try to use the garden " to undo " of him, because in the greatest garden he will even feel very unfortunate if he let alone. Before remaining alone, he prefers to lie at your feet's underneath the writing desk or in the seat of your car.
Their abundant and beautiful hair requires daily brushing, anyway is not necessary to exaggerate; with ten minutes it is sufficient and these few minutes are very pleasant for you and the Tibetan Terrier.
Its strong character and its sport temperament, make him ideal for the Agility. The Tibetan Terrier also loves going near the bicycle, after balls etc. These qualities make of the Tibetan Terrier an excellent dog for men as for women. The Tibetan Terrier also likes children, if they do not treat hem like a doll.
Its size does not get to surpass the 41 cm, the male measure of 35 to 41 cm being the females a little bit smaller.
The colour of the coat is very varied, tan, black, white, grey, two-colour and tricolour. The Tibetan Terrier has an expectation of long life; of about 15 to 18 years.
